
April 28, 2023

Inspiration for the day

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Kunchankutty & Lakshmi, Kalpathy, Palakkad
Mob: 9947646884

Till about 18 years ago, Kunchankutty and his wife Lakshmi of Kalpathy, Palakkad were farmers who knew nothing about coconut shell carvings.  But following a court dispute about the land where they farmed, they had to forgo agricultural practice.  Eking out a living was their primal concern then.

So, it was a godsend when a relative enquired whether they could make a toy monkey using coconut shell.  At that time they did not know that it will turn out to be their livelihood and joy for the rest of their lives. Considering the financial condition they were in, Kunchankutty jumped at the opportunity.  And made the toy monkey in his maiden attempt.

After some more fine tuning, he and his wife decided to make this into their profession henceforth. 

Lakshmi being a member of Kudumbasree, the poverty eradication programme of the Government, had source of loan and marketing in that organisation.  In fact, Kudumbasree, when they became aware of the couple’s new venture, lent a helping had by sanctioning Rs.60000 as loan for buying machinery and raw materials.  Further, they let the couple participate in melas being arranged by the organisation in other districts and other States to sell their products.

While their marketing has all along been under the aegis of Kudumbasree, they are now planning to sell the products directly to the buyers.  The most notable articles that they produce include key chain and earrings, cutlery items and animals etc.



Anagha R Manoj (text), The Better India,  June 16, 2022


"Nothing happens by accident.  God is preparing you for great things."