
February 11, 2006

Inspiration for the day

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Vinod, Mandhamcheri L.P.School, Kottiyoor, Kannur

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It is easier to find persons willing to risk their lives to get into the Guiness Book of World Records than to find those willing to take risks to take care of AIDS patients.  When Mandhamcheri L.P.School, Kottiyoor, Kannur, refused to admit HIV-infected tiny tots Akshara and Ananthu in its classrooms despite directions even by the Chief Minister, Vinod, a teacher from Alacheri came forward to take up the task of teaching them. 

For this he requested and obtained a transfer to their school.  Although a special room was provided for the teaching of the duo, a heartening development awaited Vinod as he set foot in the school.  Atul and Ajal, children of Science Vision worker K.P.Mohan Das too came forward to sit with them in the same class.

After local ostracism had denied them the right to education, Akshara and Ananthu’s mother had been running from local authority to the Chief Minister to redress their grievances.  According to Vinod, the denial of education to them was a denial of the progress made by Kerala in the field of healthcare.

The pertinent question put forward by the people of the locality to the cultural bigwigs and media was this: will you not go back after making speeches?  It is this question that Vinod hopes to answer with his action.

According to him, much of the apprehension in the mind of the local population has begun to melt away.  As a district committee member of Kerala Sastra Sahitya Parishad, he hopes to conduct door by door awareness campaign after class hours.  But whether the 414 other students of the school mingle with the 4 studying in the special class room or not, atleast the thirst of the duo for knowledge is being quenched.  And as a teacher, perhaps, he could feel satisfied with that.


Courtesy: Vincent Mathew (text), Madhu Achoos (photo), Mathrubhumi Arogyamasika, September 2004
Contributed by: Administrator 



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